About Holy Name University Medical Center, Inc.


Imbued with the inspiration of Jesus the Healer, HNUMCI of the Society of the Divine Word together with its mission partners envision to become the leading hospital in Bohol that offers quality and professional health care services.


Provide state-of-the-art facilities and equipment for effective and efficient service. Render on-going formation for all hospital personnel to enhance their skills, competence and expertise to address the needs of the people. Reach out to clients with quality care through dedicated and loving healthcare ministry. Concretize the presence of Jesus in the celebration of Sacraments and other spiritual activities.


Be equipped with state-of-the-art hospital facilities. Foster professional and spiritual growth and development. Achieve local, national, and international accreditation. Establish and manage financial resources effectively and efficiently. Implement effective marketing strategies. Provide resources for community service. Establish a monitoring and evaluation system for customer service satisfaction.

Patron Saints

Saint Joseph Freinademetz

St. Joseph Freinademetz was born on April 15, 1852, in Oies, a small hamlet of five houses situated in the Dolomite Alps of northern Italy. The region, known as South Tyrol, was then part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. He was baptized on the day he was born, and he inherited from his family a simple but tenacious faith.

While Joseph was studying theology in the diocesan seminary of Bressanone (Brixen), he began to think seriously of the foreign missions as a way of life. He was ordained a priest on July 25, 1875, and assigned to the community of Saint Martin very near his own home, where he soon won the hearts of the people. However, the call to missionary service did not go away.

Just two years after ordination, he contacted Fr. Arnold Janssen, the founder of a mission house which quickly developed into the Society of the Divine Word. With his bishop's permission, Joseph entered the mission house in Steyl, Netherlands, in August 1878. On March 2, 1879, he received his mission cross and departed for China with Fr. John Baptist Anzer, another Divine Word Missionary.

Five weeks later, they arrived in Hong Kong, where they remained for two years, preparing themselves for the next step. In 1881, they traveled to their new mission in South Shantung, a province with 12 million inhabitants and only 158 Christians.